Under the hood over at Dark Shore Industries , I continue to see my prayers answered as the dispersed-authority-network approach to organizing movements (think: the navy seals, antifa and Valve Co.) takes form among the Christians of good will on the Mad Christian (soon to be Dark Shore) Discord server. The promotion of lifestyles devoted to praying the Psalms and reading the Proverbs in Jesus’ Name also means actively supporting other real people living real lives and taking on real world projects together. I won’t spill all the beans and dreams and prayers here. But you’re invited. I want you in Half Moon Harbor, starting up a guild project or just sharing your day with the streets of Citadelia.
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You can take my art class!
Along with sharing smart notes and Hebrew studies, I’m also publicly teaching a mini class on AI generated art. If you’ve ever used google images for educational purposes, or wished Pinterest had a better resolution link, this is your gold mine. AI content does not have to be soulless and demonic, but that means Christians have to learn to use it, learn to teach it, and then use it well.
As part of my own exploration of the medium, I will be doing a series based upon requested Bible verses. Deo Volente, they will bless you as they are all copyrighted Creative Commons and can used for whatever you desire. It’s incredible how many variations on a theme I was able to discover with only subtle shifts in the “coding.” It’s hard for me to pick a favorite. What’s yours?
Christ Calms the Storm
Jonathan Fisk, 2023
More next week, Deo Volente!