The Hebron Collegium just began our second quarter in our inaugural year as a Spiritual Retreat Center and Bible School for men in Lakewood Hills, Illinois. Thanks to the wonders of American non-profit finance law, our little moonshot to save the world, as Jesus Christ lives, is able to be fiscally operational during the process of application for 501-c3 status. Application to that status is an arduous and exhausting climb of paperwork and what at least one lawyer in my hearing has called “overreach.”
But I finished the lion’s portion of my responsibilities for application today. Now, it is on to legal.
Deo Volente, Dark Shore will soon enough become a fully armed and operational charitable organization, dedicated to informing world peace through praying the psalms, wrestling with the proverbs, and practicing jiu jitsu, all begun as a semi-monastic boot-camp for christian living and gap-year destination for men. Then, at last, I’ll have the time to sit back and write that novel I’ve always dreamed about.
Wait. No. The day isn’t over yet.
Since ChatGPT is all the rage, and since I opened an account weeks ago, I had it write the opening and closing paragraphs of Earth for me, as well as a late-story climactic moment. What do you think?
I’d like to know more of you thoughts after you’ve used it for awhile! Thinking of using it to create a nurse platform...