It’s perhaps the last 50 degree day of the year. I’m’a be outside as much as possible until Stop the White Noise airs tonight somewhere between 6/7p Central.
📐🦋Almost Daily Maxim!
Mind your own business. 26:17
📐🦄Almost Daily Red Letters!
Your soul is more important than your feelings. 6:30
📐🧧From the Wyr Eld of Watergeist
The words struck Earth to the heart.
“I would never… I…? I only desire my duty.”
“I did not a once imply otherwise,” the priest said. Though now his feinted mile had altogether vanished, all his face nothing but stern and serious shadows. “Desire for duty and true folly may appear strange bedfellows to youth, but vanity and hope have more than once before been called upon in the name of expediency to the powerful.”
📐🏴Almost Daily Vs. the AntiChrist!
📐🏴Almost Daily Vs. the AntiChrist!
These things are evident:
1. Among those churches which de acknowledged his superiority, it is sufficiently apparent that they do not agree themselves regarding either his identity or the extent of his authority.15-16vi
📐🌊Almost Daily Sun Tzu!
A trustworthy man pivots in loss, dies in honors. 1:14