📐🦋Almost Daily Maxim!
Not all words are mere air. But you may be certain that most of yours are. 26:2ii
📐🦄Almost Daily Red Letters!
The Kingdom can be seen. 5:19iii
📐🧧From the Wyr Eld of Watergeist
“Who are you?” Analia trembled as she spoke.
No answer came. But beside their brother who lay kicking on their mother’s grave, the dagger swept once more over flesh. This time the child did not bleed. Rather, his nurse split her own forearm with an identical lesion. The hilt then mixed the tiny pool into a thick mud, which the woman used to draw out bizarre markings in long streaks.
Wrapping her arm in the sleeve of her cloak, she took up the child again. Sparing a glance for the sisters, though not a word, she returned to the house. The shadows of dusk now covered entirely.
📐🏴Almost Daily Vs. the AntiChrist!
3 Let not any authority avail more than the Words of the Bible. 11iv
📐🌊Almost Daily Sun Tzu!
An angry enemy is an animal. An animal takes the bait. 2:16