🔆🌈 Alleluia!
“Jesus Christ is for me among those who help me.”
The words of Psalm 118 have become an established part of my daily bread. It is flush filled with promises I simply do not want to live without:
“Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Jesus Christ!”
That’s you! That’s me. That’s us in Him.
I need to hear this. Daily.
“We bless you from the house of the Jesus Christ!”
That’s what you get to do to this sinful world, all day, everyday. The field is ripe for the harvest and the wise learn how to pray. For,
“God is Jesus Christ!”
Say it out loud, and surprise yourself. Fight the shame in your life head on. Whether no one or anyone else can hear you, He can and does. Integrity is the gift of speaking without fear of error.
“And He gives us the light!”
From the Sun, to the candle, to the switch and screen, Light of Light begotten is more than our source. He is our Creator. So,
“Bind the sacrifice [of your heart, your time, your space, your mind,] with cords to the horns of the altar.”
Taste, and see, that the Name of Jesus Christ is good. Lift an “Alleluia” in place of a curse today. Master your tongue for the joy of others, and watch your Master ensure your conviction that you yourself are well in his healing hands.
📐🦋Almost Daily Maxim!
The letter kills by folly. The Spirit quickens, runs true. 26:7
📐🦄Almost Daily Red Letters!
From the heart, to the mouth, to the Day of Reckoning, every word is heard. 5:22i
📐🏴Almost Daily Vs. the AntiChrist!
The Council of Nice determined bishops be elected by their own congregations, with the assistance of a neighboring bishop or several. 13i
📐🦋Almost Daily Smarts
Enlightenment cannot be packaged and sold.
📐🧧From the Wyr Eld of Watergeist
“It is a miracle,” the priest said. He was a peculiar, scrawny man, dwarfed by his vast robes and countless medals. “A gift of the Forgotten. A sign of his presence with us. An omen of good fortune for our plan.”
“Myths and legends do not walk among the living," Gaoltea barked.
Acis countered in a smooth and measured tone. “The Madgyi are themselves a myth and a legend, yet here we are, infants before their knowledge and power."
“The murderer speaks true,” said an emaciated old man dressed in rags. “Who is to say? What portals are open to the world of man if only he has eyes to see them? But is it not often the eye which is the most deceptive sense?”
At this, all three the scholars descended into a debate about whether or not chaos can actually exist. At one point, just about when no one was listening to them anymore, including each other, they stopped at once in a jumble of words, which for some reason or other led the entire room to suddenly focus attention on the Chief Financier, who was himself engrossed in check checking figures in his ledger, mumbling to himself and more oblivious to the previous commotion than the rest. At this, the King cleared his throat, drawing them all back together.
Find the rest at https://tinyurl.com/EarthFisk
📐🌊Almost Daily Sun Tzu!
Preparation, or planning, or “strategy,” is the pursuit of a clear and proven framework for success, or to fight with understanding. 1:2