“Savior, rend the heavens wide!” “He comes with healing in his wings!” “His Name shall be ‘Jesus Christ, our Righteousness’!”
Advent is upon us. Advent means “coming” in Latin, and is the root from which descends our marvelous word “adventure.”
Since ancient times, the Christian Church marks the end of our adventures in this world, and the initiation of the world to come in the Firstborn New Man Jesus Christ, with four Sundays before Christmas devoted to our past and future expectations of our God.
All of this is based upon his promise, which is why Advent is blue in theme. Blue is the color of royal Hope. Our hope is in our savior, Jesus Christ, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He shall not disappoint us. His name is Victory, yesterday, today, and tomorrow, forever, world without end. Amen.
This 2023 Advent season is a little strange. The world’s calendar put Thanksgiving a bit early this year. As a result, tomorrow is the “first Wednesday in Advent,“ even though we will not celebrate the first Wednesday in Advent until a week from tomorrow. The other result/cause is that Christmas Eve falls ON the fourth Sunday of Advent.
For our purposes, then, at SP815.org, this means we will change up our service times this 2023 In order to accommodate a glorious Christmastime worship for all of us.
On Sunday, Christmas Eve day, the fourth Sunday of Advent, we will have one divine service at 9:30 AM. That night, as normal, we will have Lessons and Carols at 7 PM, followed by Divine Service with candlelight at 9 PM.
Out-of-towners are welcome and encouraged!
Christmas morning, the “Christ Mass“, we celebrate at 10 AM. There will be no Saturday 4 PM service on the 23rd.
Don’t forget, our annual Advent by Candlelight on the 13th at 6pm, a special service of song and readings, this year newly built around 1 John, followed by reception and fellowship in the Back Room.
Our first Wednesday in Advent services are noon and 7pm, the 6th and 20th, with pre-service hymn-sing in the evening to celebrate the season. (These are good places to invite a friend too!)
📐🦋Almost Daily Maxim!
The Archer who pierces all, in his hands are the fools, and in his hands are the peoples. 26:10
📐🦄Almost Daily Red Letters!
Pleading for peace with violence in your wake shall not stop your boat from sinking. 5:23
📐🏴Almost Daily Vs. the AntiChrist!
Because, therefore, ancient tradition declares that none sought ordination nor confirmation from the Bishop of Rome in the early Greek and Latin Church, it is apparent that his earthly superiority, and claims thereunto, that is, his financial domination of the Christian Church on earth, is neither divine nor guaranteed, except insofar as his is the prophesied office of the “AntiChrist” or “The Lawless Man.”
📐🦋Almost Daily Smarts
The only way to trust your framework is to trust yourself. If you do not trust yourself, all attempts at building a framework will fail. The good news is that smart noting compels failing ideas to expose themselves. Target your heart, and feed it what you want to become.
📐🧧From the Wyr Eld of Watergeist
He arrived, fidgeting a moment, peering at Earth down a long, thin nose, and attempting to affect something that he probably thought was a smile. The sides of his mouth twitched, striving to turn upward, as if willing it, but finding that it caused such considerable pain that the final effect was one of his gums receding into his face.
“Greetings, Omen of the Forgotten!” he shouted overmuch, lips peeling back to display his teeth. “It is not every day that I, even I, Arch-Eucharion of the great Temple of the Forgotten, Reverence Highest of Ambra, City of Dark Walls, am so fortunate as to meet such a miracle and mystery as you, sir. A child from Elusa herself, grown in the shadow of the holy mountain! And now, here, in our hour of need. Our Order does not trust in the Forgotten as author of everything and nothing, all-watching and all-ignoring, for naught. He is the finest of original mechanics, the most distant of pure artists, immortal and immutable. Though rare, indeed, are his meddling in the designs of perishable men, it appears you are the solution to many doubts, don’t you think?”
The twitching the man’s lip was such a terrible distraction that Earth had trouble focusing on anything that he said. His words were not hard, exactly, but they were big. Extraneous. And massive in an oblong sort of way.
What is more, Earth never heard such things. The worship of the Forgotten in Elusa? That was, well, forgotten. He had always assumed that was the point.
📐🌊Almost Daily Sun Tzu!
Providence is certain and unavoidable. Prudent risk makes for good providence. 1:5