Ho! @everyone
This is your Dark Shore Almost Daily Blast:
Trust. Truth. Charity.
Faith. Bible. Grace.
The Reformation of the Church is ongoing. Our repentance and regeneration never ends. This is His story. This is your story.
We are the Kingdom today.
Let your speech be your religion in practice, then, your tongue God’s instrument of grace, seasoned with salt, filled with light, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person God sets before you.
That means you, too. Blessed are you, for the Word of Jesus and his call to higher things stands firm in you.
Yes, in all these things we are Set Apart as *More than Conquerors* through God who loves us in Jesus Christ, our Lord.
Alleluia @everyone!
📐🦋Almost Daily Maxim!
As the ignition of nitrate, as a stolen cloak in winter, entertainments are a dynamically fleeting fancy. 25:20
📐🦄Almost Daily Red Letters!
Happiness is holding the line, hitting the mark, and reigning the day, for the anchor is sure and firm. 5:10
📐🏴Almost Daily Vs. the AntiChrist!
Thus, no Christian is superior to another, no disciple the master and commander of the others. 10iii
📐🌊Almost Daily Sun Tzu!
Make haste, and err. Hesitate, and win not at all. 2:6
And! New art for Chapter 6 just dropped too!
Until next time!
Ps 118