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Dark Shore is a Non-Profit NGO dedicated to designing a better future by telling the right stories.
Sunday night I began to write my regular weekly review only to discover that I had had the most explosive week I could imagine. Not all of it was good, but all of it did good in the end.
Most of it gets discussed somewhere in this week’s Stop the White Noise.
But the short end the stick is that much of my prayer, preparation and study the last three years suddenly struck the spark I’ve been looking for. How do I know? Because the path is straight and narrow. Because my feet are set in a broad place. Because the only thing that is the end of the world is the end of the world, and in the mean time there is still a great deal of good we can do.
New content will still be coming here, but for a time it will quite sporadic. And I haven’t given up on Earth or D.U.S.T. (see below) yet: it’s just going to be a matter of how best to sacrifice them to God’s timing. I may never get to write the book, but now that I have this original cover image I want to write it more than ever. Feel free to put it on your desktop, sell it as a sticker and otherwise dream with me. Just always call this image "D.U.S.T.” and attribute it to artist Jonathan McAdam Fisk, scifi dystopic cover in geometric-impressionism anime style.
Alleluia! That’s a rainbow, as Jesus Christ lives!
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