Information is formation that goes into you.
This is why bad information is worse for you than no information.
Foolish judgment means not only “not knowing the right things.” It also means “knowing the wrong things.”
This is why when the BBC Trusted News Initiative silenced the Great Barrington Declaration in 2020, which itself included scientists from Oxford, Harvard, and Stanford, the mass of old line media consumers only got one side of the story, and it was controlled by those who had the most to gain, while ensuring that everyone except them carried the risk.
Robert Kennedy, in his book “The Real Anthony Fauci,” now available as a documentary on Rumble, points out that the same thing happened when the United States government orchestrated a large scale blocking of informed consent regarding Covid vaccine safety, while simultaneously making it difficult, if not impossible, to find prescriptions for Ivermectin, a simple and effective drug being used by America’s front-line doctors to treat people with the disease.
Here’s why this is really bad: following the defeat of the Nazi regime in World War II, when many of those responsible were put on trial at Nuremberg, their defense often came down to, “I was just following orders.” That is, “I was just obeying bad information.” Did they know it was wrong? Yes. But they did it anyway.
The result of those trials gifted us something called the Nuremberg Code, a statute of international law that, among other things, holds that:
It is immoral to coerce anyone into medical treatment ever.
It is a moral obligation (you HAVE to) disobey an immoral order.
Another history lesson takes us back to the city of Magdeburg in 16th century Germany, where at the height of the Smalcald War, Lutherans stood their ground and resisted a military siege rather than allow the papal armies to impose Roman dogma at the point of a sword. Founding their resistance on Romans 13, they insisted that authority and order follow two directions:
You have an upward responsibility to submit to authority.
You have a downward responsibility to use authority to protect
Thou shalt not mutiny, AND
Thou shalt resist tyranny.
What does all of this mean? It means that we stand at a precipice of history. We live at a time when those who control information don’t want to share it unless it benefits them, and we live at a time when if you have good information, you need to do all that you can to share it.
To ignore the fact that large swaths of both American and other international powers are in willful breach of Nuremberg is to choose submission to betrayal, intimidation, and hubris. It is to abandon your friends and neighbors to the liars whose consciences are seared. It is to say to future generations, “I was just following orders.”
It’s never wrong for a shepherd to defend his flock.
“Those who forsake Torah praise the wicked. Such as keep Torah fight back.” Proverbs 28:4