When does life begin?
Science tells us clearly: at conception. Right there, from the first cell, a unique human life begins with its own DNA—everything it needs to grow, develop, and live. That’s not just a potential life—it’s a real human life. And when we intentionally end that life? Let’s be honest: that’s killing.
Now, some argue that a woman has the right over her body—and absolutely, she does. But the baby growing within her isn’t just “her body.” That child has a unique heartbeat, its own DNA, and, if given the chance, its own personality and dreams. We’re talking about a separate human being.
Let’s look back at history. The Holocaust, slavery—tragic times when people were dehumanized, called “less than human.” These horrors were justified by ignoring the humanity of entire groups. Isn’t that what’s happening with abortion? Calling the unborn “a clump of cells” makes it easier to overlook their humanity.
Consider what the Bible tells us. Psalm 139 says God knew us before we were even formed in the womb, and Jeremiah tells us that God has plans for each of us before birth. From conception, God has placed worth and purpose in that life. Abortion isn’t just a choice—it’s a denial of that divine worth and purpose.
If we stand for truth, for justice, for what’s right—how can we accept the killing of the innocent? How can we claim to love God and ignore His love for the unborn? Once we truly see abortion for what it is—a moral tragedy—we cannot stay silent. We must work not only to make abortion illegal but to make it unthinkable.
This argument is a summary of the documentary Making Abortion Unthinkable by Ray Comfort.
I am once saw Ray street preach live in Santa Monica. I was already saved and I already knew repentance. But my view of proclamation was forever changed.
Satan knows his time is short. Satan for all is faults is not lazy and is working very hard. And if you look at what Satan is doing right now. He’s working his way up the food chain in the book of Genesis.
So, when Satan looks at a child, he hates that child. He hates all children born and unborn. And so, we have abortion.
He hates marriage because he sees in that the relationship of Christ and the church.
And so, we have divorce and so-called gay marriage.
He hates the fact that God created us male and female.
And so, we have this gender madness.
He hates God the father.
And so, we have this war against patriarchy.
Certainly we see his hand at work in the evil that is abortion.
Gleaned from a Luthern Podcast …