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Summary of the Living Prophets from Samuel to the Exile
Dates are approximations. Please always compare notes with your pastor’s.
Samuel (ca. 1100–1010 BC, Ramah): Last judge, first major prophet of monarchy.
Nathan (ca. 1010–970 BC, Jerusalem): Court prophet to David and Solomon.
Gad (ca. 1010–970 BC, Jerusalem): Advisor to David during reign and repentance.
Ahijah the Shilonite (ca. 931–910 BC, Shiloh): Predicted Israel’s division under Jeroboam.
Shemaiah (ca. 930 BC, Judah): Warned Rehoboam against attacking Jeroboam.
Iddo the Seer (ca. 920 BC, Judah): Chronicler for Rehoboam and Abijah’s reigns.
Unnamed Man of God (ca. 930 BC, Bethel): Rebuked Jeroboam, foretold Josiah’s rise.
Elijah (ca. 870–850 BC, Israel): Confronted Ahab and Jezebel’s idolatry.
Micaiah son of Imlah (ca. 850 BC, Samaria): Predicted Ahab’s death in battle.
Elisha (ca. 850–800 BC, Israel): Successor to Elijah, advisor to kings.
Unnamed Prophet (ca. 850 BC, Israel): Anointed Jehu king of Israel.
Jonah (ca. 790–760 BC, Nineveh): Preached repentance to Nineveh, from Israel.
Amos (ca. 760 BC, Bethel): Denounced social injustice and idolatry in Israel.
Hosea (ca. 755–725 BC, Israel): Warned of Israel’s destruction by Assyria.
Isaiah (ca. 740–700 BC, Jerusalem): Spoke to Uzziah, Ahaz, Hezekiah about judgment.
Micah (ca. 735–700 BC, Judah): Warned Jerusalem of corruption, foretold Messiah.
Joel (ca. 800 or 600 BC, Judah): Addressed Judah’s repentance after locust plague.
Nahum (ca. 650–620 BC, Judah): Predicted Nineveh’s fall, emphasizing God’s justice.
Zephaniah (ca. 640–620 BC, Judah): Warned Judah of judgment during Josiah’s reforms.
Jeremiah (ca. 627–586 BC, Jerusalem): Spanned five kings, foretold Babylonian exile.
Habakkuk (ca. 610–600 BC, Judah): Questioned Babylon’s use as God’s instrument.
Obadiah (ca. 586 BC, Judah): Condemned Edom for complicity in Jerusalem’s fall.
Ezekiel (ca. 593–571 BC, Babylon): Prophesied among exiles, envisioned temple restoration.
Daniel (ca. 605–536 BC, Babylon): Interpreted dreams, foretold kingdoms and Messiah.
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