Here it is again, with ὁδός in Matthew, Acts and John part II
SOS Discipline - Daily Proverb and Red Letter Reader
If you won't listen, you're probably talking too much. cf Pr. 11:12
The devil's only game is accusation. cf Mt. 10:25
Continuing from yesterday:
(ὁδός) in Acts and John
“The Way” in Acts
1. Acts 9:2: “So that if he found any belonging to the Way (ὁδός), men or women, he might bring them bound to Jerusalem.”
2. Acts 19:9: “But when some became stubborn and continued in unbelief, speaking evil of the Way (ὁδός) before the congregation…”
3. Acts 19:23: “About that time there arose no little disturbance concerning the Way (ὁδός).”
4. Acts 22:4: “I persecuted this Way (ὁδός) to the death, binding and delivering to prison both men and women.”
5. Acts 24:14: “But this I confess to you, that according to the Way (ὁδός), which they call a sect, I worship the God of our fathers…”
6. Acts 24:22: “But Felix, having a rather accurate knowledge of the Way (ὁδός), put them off, saying, ‘When Lysias the tribune comes down, I will decide your case.’”
“The Way” in John
In the Gospel of John, written a generation after the events recorded in Acts and the teachings of Matthew, the limited and intentional use of ὁδός finalizes the theological point of Jesus as the exclusive path to salvation as a pinnacle among his “I am” statements.
1. John 1:23: “Make straight the way (ὁδός) of the Lord.”
• Significance: John the Baptist’s mission to prepare the way for Jesus.
2. John 14:4-5: “And you know the way (ὁδός) to where I am going.” Thomas said to him, “Lord, we do not know where you are going. How can we know the way (ὁδός)?”
• Significance: Thomas’s question and Jesus’ response underscore the necessity of understanding and following Jesus as the way to the Father, completing the matephoric/archetypal frames first discussed in Matthew.