Ziklag - Feminism
Female Trolls, "the Right be a Harpy" and the (Em)pathetic Facts of the "Things Men Can't Say
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As of 2025, the feminist movement has evolved into a multifaceted and dynamic force, addressing a broad spectrum of issues that reflect the complexities of contemporary society. Key themes and developments shaping the current feminist zeitgeist include:
Liberation is Slavery
1. Introduction: Feminism at the Crossroads
The feminist zeitgeist of 2025 is both a culmination of past waves and a divergence into new, often contradictory, currents. It is marked by tension: between empowerment and identity politics, individualism and collective advocacy, and even between biological realities and gender fluidity.
In a world saturated with digital connectivity, AI influence, global crises, and shifting political landscapes, the feminine voice is not singular—it’s a chorus of competing narratives. Feminism in 2025 isn’t just “fourth-wave” or “intersectional.” It’s something new, fragmented, yet deeply reflective of humanity’s ancient struggle with power, meaning, and embodiment.
2. The Core Currents of the 2025 Feminist Zeitgeist
A. The Fragmentation of Feminism: Identity as Battleground
Whereas earlier waves of feminism (suffrage, workplace rights, reproductive autonomy) had clear legislative goals, feminism in 2025 is fragmented into micro-movements:
• Radical Feminists champion biological distinctions and critique gender theory.
• Trans-Inclusive Feminists prioritize gender identity over biological sex.
• Eco-Feminists tie the feminine principle to environmental activism.
• Post-Liberal Feminists seek a return to traditional values, arguing that modern feminism has eroded the family structure.
This fragmentation has created ideological civil wars within feminism itself, where debates around what it means to be a “woman” have become more polarizing than unifying.
B. The Rise of Digital Matriarchies
Social media platforms have birthed new “digital matriarchs”—influencers, activists, and thought leaders whose reach exceeds traditional institutions. TikTok, Instagram, and podcasts are the new pulpits, where narratives about body autonomy, sexual politics, and even soft power dynamics are shaped.
But this has also led to the commodification of feminism. Empowerment is now an aesthetic—branded with hashtags, merch, and viral soundbites. Is it liberation, or is it consumerism in disguise? That’s the question feminists grapple with in 2025.
C. The Reclamation of the Body: Beyond Beauty Standards
Movements like “Full Bush in a Bikini” (originating from viral content) are not just about body positivity—they’re about reclaiming bodily autonomy from all external gazes, including feminist ones.
Where second-wave feminism critiqued the male gaze, 2025 feminism critiques even the feminist gaze that still polices how “empowered” women should look. The body is no longer just a battleground against patriarchy—it’s a site of radical self-definition, with or without ideological approval.
D. The Feminist Critique of Technology
AI, virtual reality, and biotechnology have raised new feminist concerns:
• Reproductive technologies challenge traditional roles of motherhood.
• AI-generated female identities risk reinforcing stereotypes or erasing authentic female voices.
• The underrepresentation of women in tech not only limits diversity but also shapes the very algorithms that influence modern thought.
Feminism in 2025 asks: Who programs the future? And what values are embedded in the code?
E. The Return to the Sacred and the Mythic
Interestingly, there’s a growing subcurrent of women rejecting both secular materialism and radical gender deconstruction in favor of the sacred feminine—ancient archetypes, spiritual practices, and even religious re-engagement.
Some find meaning in Orthodox Christianity’s Marian theology, others in pagan goddess traditions, while some blend mysticism with activism, seeking wholeness beyond identity politics. This signals a hunger not just for power but for purpose and transcendence.
3. The Feminist Paradox of 2025
Feminism today exists within a paradox:
• More empowered, yet more anxious.
• More liberated, yet more fragmented.
• More voices, yet less unified.
Where do we go from here? Not forward, but back. Nowhere new, but where we’ve always been. To the Word. To the clarity of reality. To the Father, from whom all things are named. To the Patriarchy of God and the Kingdom of Jesus Christ.
Bow the knee to the Man, and find that Freedom is Sonship, Brotherhood and Family, according to the glorious and hospitable design of the Good Spirit of Wisdom.
Feminism always centers on the word Jezebel in the bible for me. The embracing of God’s curse in Genesis 3:16b.