What they do is they post and ignore and assume over time you will normalize it.
Learning the wisdom of media ecology means understanding the space you are in.
X, Meta and TikTok are not a places for “discussion.” They are spaces ruled by sound bites.
Sound bites are inherently waxxen. They inherently make you stupider.
Saying “I think” doesn’t make it so. But it is the voice of the accuser that is the real problem. I am not you and you are not me, and whoever you may type that I am, it doesn’t change me unless I believe you.
And why would I believe you when you are only accusing me?
Well, because most people do. Most people bend to pressure. They fold. I know. I did it my entire life. I was trained to do it. I was programmed to do it. I did it well!
Until 2020.
The many times I have been accused of “changing” since 2020, shaming playground illiterate ad hominems as they are, I wear as a badge of honor. If you did not have your worldview changed by 2020, if you are following leaders saying the exact same thing they were in 2019, then you are precisely the people I am glad to offend.
I am on offense. I am done with apologetics. I am publishing the Word, Law and Gospel, in season and out, without respect for persons or platitudes.
In 2019, Christianity was limping along in America, pressed down under the blasphemes of the talking image. But now a new wind is blowing. The tree is green. There is a pro life generation happening. Now is the time to scatter the seed, leave the Tares and trust the leaven. Now is not the time quibble, to project, nor to treat social media entertainments (including movies and video games,) like the real world.
That means precisely distinguishing male and female, father and son, uncle and stranger. This means recovering the common sense linguistics of the Revelation of God and setting aside the scoffers’ insistence that they get to define the terms, choose the field of confrontation, and pick the ref’s from among their second cousins.
Snakes only slither one way. It appears mysterious, like an eagle in the sky, like a ship on the sea, like a young man in his heat.
You don’t have to like it. But it’s a quote from the Bible all the same.
More and more it’s what I do. I don’t plan to stop. But you won’t slow me down just by getting hot and bothered, shouting and throwing things (accusations or otherwise,) and claiming special privilege of knowledge by which I bow to your credentialism. Rather, you will spur me on.
Thank you. We need it. We need men who can hear the accuser and do the right thing anyway. We need men not ruled by tone but by the Spirit of Wisdom washed upon us in the Scriptures of God.
Anyone who isn’t shaking my hand with the kiss of peace on Judgment Day will be doing it of their own accord. My path is peace in the Kingdom of Jesus, and I will not turn aside to the voice of Folly, who is neither a man nor a cat in the Bible.
Angry and anxious people may, like a woman in labor, cry out, trained by the twisted air waves to project misanthropy into the common sense of Solomonic rule all they like. You can’t stop them. But you don’t have to believe them. The only one ignorant of the chapter before it, and the true glory of woman, it would seem, is the loud woman and the stubborn man.
“Because of the angels,” means you’re never the only one in the room.