Nov 29, 2023Liked by Jonathan McAdam Fisk

This is absolutely inspiring! I, too, have always wanted to write fiction. I still have a full, wide-ruled notebook tucked away somewhere that is filled with my 2nd grade handwriting (and 2nd grade level spelling) about a lost kitten that is found and loved by someone. I wrote my only finished novel throughout my 14th year and felt so satisfied with the completion. It was about a young girl dealing with the cancer diagnosis and death of her aunt. I had not seen at the time that I was probably writing through the feelings I had about the death of my grandfather from cancer years earlier.

I spent my teenage years composing and writing songs which were, essentially, poems. I miss how easy those used to come to me. I remember when a shift happened and I got married. And I suddenly didn't want to write songs anymore because I felt too exposed; I didn't feel like I could share new words anymore because they always involved feelings and now my feelings might be overly inspected by others and involve other people too. I didn't like that. I'm still trying to navigate through that now as I still long for original music but my life has extended into a husband and many children and it's hard to spend time creating something but keeping it to yourself. My life is also in a very full season that those times of many hours to linger over words and tunes are very shortened.

But back to the fiction writing, I've found myself starting many things through the years when the inspiration strikes. But I have yet to finish any more novels. One way I have found satisfaction though is creating stories on the fly for my children. Their attention is so fully captured by stories that I feel a responsibility in how I handle them. It's become a beautiful part of our lives.

I have been reading through Charlotte Mason's home education series this year (we homeschool) and her writing also inspired me toward good stories, both my own and those of others.

I've contemplated a topic recently about the need for stories. I'm sure I won't explain it as well as I received it but I want to share in case it strikes a thought. God created the greatest story of our redemption. He gave us a longing for this. Every good story there is has some element of the gospel. Even non-Christians can feel this pull toward good stories. Self sacrifice, redemption, growth, love, the unlikely hero, forgiveness, belonging, healing. The list that we can create with elements of the Good News really seems endless. Another thought that I heard in regards to fairytales and children, is that we, even from childhood, long to see evil defeated, conquered, killed. I see it in my kids that these are the stories they long for most.

I think back to even my first stories like the little girl finding the lost kitten. Even in that little story written by a young girl, the longing for the lost and scared to be held and loved is there. The climax of the story is belonging, loved, held on to, and realizing you are not alone in this world. Stories capture the heart is simple and satisfying ways. And the best ones mirror the greatest story God has given us.

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Nov 29, 2023Liked by Jonathan McAdam Fisk

I resonate with your comment about writing when I was single and younger vs older and married. I wrestle with how my story is intertwined with their story... and do I have a right to share theirs? And how much of what I perceive of it... is it true? So fiction, maybe is the safest way to share those things, express the stories in my heart and mind.

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Well said and interesting thought about the fiction.

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Nov 29, 2023Liked by Jonathan McAdam Fisk

Thanks Fisk, this is a similar question I face with Game Development. My soul wants my game made but there is a long journey in making it. Im learning a lot about words as my game is avoiding them completely. How do you send a message without language? What is intuition? Is programming a creative language that speaks math into function? Can you speak using mechanics? Does the world need more games? Am I creating another waste of time? Why am I making it?

Absorbing Ecclesiastes, has taught me to simply find pleasure in the process, the demon hunting and the learning.

What Jesus does with the finished project is up to him.

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Nov 29, 2023Liked by Jonathan McAdam Fisk

Words have power.

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