Sitemap - 2024 -
He Came Down - Christmas, Tabernacle and Kingdom
Let Brotherhood Reign - Hebrews 13
Up in Flames or Off with Your Head? Mark 6 and 2 Kings 2
Man of God - King Jehu and 1 Tim 6
Ziklag 12.21 - The Tel Dan Stele
Ziklag 12.20 - Fleshly Securities
Ziklag 12.17 - The Day Siloam Fell
Fire Inside - Hebrews 12 for Immortality Now
Turn! The Baptism of Grace into Repentance
Ziklag 12.15 - Living Prophets
Stop the Plague - 1 Tim 6 and Num 25
ZIklag 12.10 - Against Empathy
Be in the Cloud Today - Hebrews 12 and the Ascension of Elijah
Have Faith in Faith - Mark 11’s Red Letter Reality
Which Angel is Jesus? Hebrews 1 for Biblical Literacy
The Good News You Aren’t Ready For: A Year in Mark
Just Your Opinion - Romans 2 and the Sinful Condition of your Tongue
You are a Sheep! Believe it! Matt 25, Ezekiel 34 and the Hope within You
S.O.S. Calling all Men of Peace
Ziklag 11.20 - Bel Protect Him!
Justice is Trust - Romans 1B and the Kingdom of Jesus Christ
Are We Any Better? Matt 25 through the eyes of Paul
ZIklag 11.8 - Path of Resistance
ZIklag Insider - Monetary Warfare
ZIklag Insider - Election Integrity
ZIklag Insider: The Real Divide
Having Been Justified… - Romans Road as Way and Walk
You Can’t Run Away - Matt 24 and the Coming Judgment
Ziklag Insider: Catholics for Trump
Ziklag 11.2 - How’s Your Etheris?
ZIklag 10.31 - The Reformation Jubilee
Ziklag 10.30 - Making Abortion Unthinkable
Ziklag 11.29 - What’s Happening
Reformation Part 2 - Ezekiel 36 and Romans Road 3-4
This Gospel of the Kingdom - Reformation 2024 Matt 23-24
Discipline, Understanding and Grace - Matt 20 - Set Apart 2024
Agag, Amelech and the Desire of God - 1 Sam 15
Molech, Melek and Forgetting God is There
Ziklag 10.4 - Jonathan’s Climb
On a Mission for the King: Do Good
Ziklag 9.28.24 - Changing Tides
Blaspheme! Saul, Doeg and the God Who is There
Blaspheme! The Spirit of God and the spirit of folly - Matt 12
Tongues of Fire - Tame Them! James 3
Actors! The Seven Woes of Jesus Christ - Matthew 23
Ziklag R - 9.12 - Old Horizons
Ziklag W - 9.11 - New Frontiers
Ziklag M - 9.10 - Deistic Marital Mission
Salvation by Mercy Alone - James 2 as unifier of the Church
Who is Caesar? Matt 22 and the Chief “Corner”
Ziklag R - 9.5 -The Razor's Edge
The Vineyard, The Beast, and the Fruit - James 1 and Isaiah 5
The Proverb of the Vineyard - Matt 20-21
Ziklag R8.29 LutheranISM's Fall
The Church is the Called - Matt 18, Mercy and Childhood under God
A Time to Die: The Funeral of Mark Klemm
Ziklag R8.22 - Holding onto Pain
Ziklag W8.21 - Maker, Wanderer, Bard
Where do wars come from? – James 4
Ziklag R8.15 - Expensive Isolation
Scatter the Seed, Build Houses, Expect Hope
Trust The Leaven. Buy The Field. Seek Pearls. Jesus Knows What He Is Talking About.
Ziklag F 8.9 Addendum to Reprobation
“I Will Utter Dark Things” - Jesus
The Proverb of the Tares: Israel, Jesus and You
Ziklag T7.30 Viktor Orbán's Hungary
The Parabola of Potter and Clay
StarFall2029: Fight Back Vs the Machines
Jeremiah Buys a Field: in Order!
Ziklag F7.19 - Game:Show:Radio
Ziklag R7.18 Feels and Cred II
Beware False Prophets: Book of Galatians Overview
Made Honest by God’s Word - with Seminarian Patrick Randolph
Oaths, Vengeance and Malice in the Red Letters - Guest Preacher Jonathan Poppe
Ziklag M6.3 - The Problem of Evil is not a Problem.
Ziklag F5.31 - The Nature of Principle
Ziklag R5.23 - “change, or die”
Ziklag T.5.21 - Timed Momentum
The Book of Proverbs in 45 minutes
Ziklag W5.15 - Wisdom is not Passive
Ziklag M5.13 - The Soul of the Matter
Ziklag F5.11 - "Rely on Yourself..."
Ziklag R5.2 - Build. Clarify. Excel.
Ziklag T4.30 - Convinced Stupid
What does the Number 42 Mean to You?
Baptism is Remembering Whose Side You Are On
Ziklag F4.26 - Beware the Wolf
Ziklag W424SOS: Time for Praise
Ziklag 4.23 - If Circles Be True
Silence Ignorance by Doing Good
Ziklag 4.20 - Make Good Distinctions
Ziklag 4.19 - Serendipitous Risk
Ziklag 4.18 - The Desire of Heaven
Ziklag 4.17 - Victory is Compounding
Ziklag 4.16 - Rest, then Seize.
Ziklag 4.12 Incoherence Shouted
Ziklag 4.11 Harness the Lightning
Ziklag 4.10 - Desire is Not Wicked
Ziklag 4.8 - Eclipse Day Edition
Cursed by the Sermon on the Mount
The Order of the Righteous King
The Prophets Make No Sense - Micah as Intro to Biblical Prophecy
From an Ephesian Jail: I Was Blind, But Now I See
The Fall of Saul and the Rise of David
The Life and Times of Hosea the Prophet
Enter That Rest - Nothing Will Be Impossible
Be Ready for the Antichrist - 2 Thess and 1 John
Earth Chapter 9: Tempering (Part 2)
The Difference between David and Saul
The Church of Jesus Christ is Beautiful
Is Saul Also Among the Prophets? (David for Lent - Part I)
The Ziklag Almost Daily 2.1.24
The Ziklag Almost Daily 1.31.24
The Ziklag Almost Daily 1.30.24
The Ziklag Almost Daily 1.29.24
Can Jews too Be Saved? Romans 11
The Ziklag Almost Daily 1.26.24
The Ziklag Almost Daily 1.25.24
The Ziklag Almost Daily 1.24.24
The Ziklag Almost Daily 1.23.24
The Ziklag Almost Daily 1.22.24
The Meaning of Jesus Christ’s Transfiguration
The Ziklag Almost Daily 1.12.24
The Ziklag Almost Daily 1.12.24
The Ziklag Almost Daily 1.10.24
The Ziklag Almost Daily 1.9.24
The Ziklag Almost Daily 1.5.24
The Ziklag Almost Daily 1.4.24